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Grace-Full Living ~ God Could Not Be Everywhere?

As a young girl I was taught the phrase, “God could not be everywhere, therefore He made mothers.” Through the years I have learned that, though a sweet sentiment, this is very bad theology. God can indeed be everywhere.

We all were given a mother and some have been given the responsibility of being a mother and being the mother of a mother, so the subject of motherhood is dear to all our hearts. All of us realize just how much we desperately cling to the truth that God can be and is everywhere.

Our God is there when a child comes forth from the security of his mothers womb into the startling world he will come to call home.

Our God is there with that same little child falls ill or is injured, and we cling to Him and trust His presence to see us through.

Our God is there when the teen drives down the driveway for the first time, walks across the stage to graduate and begin his adult life. We trust that although we cannot always be there, our God can and is.

Our God is there when life‘s troubles and trials come, when finances fail and marriages dissolve, when children rebel and when they return to the fold.

Our God is there when our parents grow ill and when they leave us here without them. He is there to comfort those of us who remain and to welcome His children into their heavenly home.

Whoever penned the words, “God could not be everywhere, therefore He made mothers” could not possibly have known what a heavy load was being transferred to moms, but those of us who know our amazing God are very relieved that no one is counting on us to take His place.

May all you mothers out there rest in the realization that your God is ever present through all that life may bring both to you and to your children.

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